Široká podnikateľská komunita zamestnávateľských a podnikateľských asociácií a obchodných komôr združená v Iniciatíve za právny štát (Rule of Law Initiative) vyjadruje znepokojenie nad spôsobom, akým bol predložený pozmeňovací návrh k novele zákona č. 213/1997 Z. z. o neziskových organizáciách poskytujúcich všeobecne prospešné služby.
Read Mores radosťou by sme vás pozvali na udalosť „Talent Garden Job Fair For Future Leaders“, ktorú organizuje Holandská obchodná komora v Slovenskej republike.
Read MoreWe are therefore excited to share that 125 young ambitious students have applied to the first edition of “Talent garden”, the innovative traineeship program of 4 Dutch companies in Slovakia: HEINEKEN, ING, NN and Union.
Read MoreOver the last few years, scientists have reported an increased level of global warming and we see glaciers retreating in the nearby Alps. This year, the northern hemisphere has experienced record temperatures in China, across Europe and North America. In Slovakia, we have not yet seen such extremes (although July was the warmest in history), and perhaps that is also why many people here are not convinced about global warming and its dangers. What is your view on this? How acute is this issue?
Read MoreZo spoločenského a hospodárskeho hľadiska Slovensko v posledných rokoch zaznamenáva klesajúci trend vo všetkých relevantných globálnych indexoch a ukazovateľoch, vrátane správ Európskej komisie, štatistík OECD, Indexu konkurencieschopnosti z dielne Svetového ekonomického fóra či Rule of Law indexu. Sme krajinou uviaznutou v pasci stredného príjmu s nedostatočným hospodárskym modelom a slabým rastom na pokračovanie ekonomickej konvergencie minimálne k priemeru Európskej únie.
Read MoreZo spoločenského a hospodárskeho hľadiska Slovensko v posledných rokoch zaznamenáva klesajúci trend vo všetkých relevantných globálnych indexoch a ukazovateľoch, vrátane správ Európskej komisie, štatistík OECD, Indexu konkurencieschopnosti z dielne Svetového ekonomického fóra či Rule of Law indexu. Sme krajinou uviaznutou v pasci stredného príjmu s nedostatočným hospodárskym modelom a slabým rastom na pokračovanie ekonomickej konvergencie minimálne k priemeru Európskej únie.
Read MoreAfter two unfavorable years of the Covid pandemic, the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce in the Slovak Republic has continued the tradition of organizing the Gala Charity Dinner. The 17th Annual Gala Charity Dinner was held this year on 12 November 2022 at the Grand Hotel River Park in Bratislava.
Read MoreConsumers as well as businesses and government need to cooperate in order to achieve the transition to a circular economy. It should be the goal of every business to raise awareness among their customers and teach them to make the right decisions.
Read MoreKLM has been awarded the 2022 APEX World Class Award. This is a new APEX award and the highest category in its global awards for the airline industry. It represents exceptional recognition of achievements in areas such as safety well-being and sustainability.
Read MoreSix foreign chambers of commerce have recently published an open appeal to the Government of the Slovak Republic for the responsible political leadership and streamlining of implementation of the much sought-after reforms Slovakia inevitable needs in the field of education, health care, and judiciary.
Read MoreThe government of the Slovak Republic is drafting its policy framework for the country’s circular transition. The business environment is also becoming favorable to the movement because companies are discovering the emerging opportunities in circularity.
Read MoreAfter being offered a job for KOKS in the US, the global pandemic forced Remco to return to Europe and he moved to Slovakia, where the KOKS group recently acquired a company developing and manufacturing robots to clean storage tanks for the petrochemical and nuclear industries. We met with Remco at their premises in Trnava.
Read MoreWhat are the main differences in business culture between the Netherlands and Slovakia? What was the main reason(s) to establish a company in Slovakia or what was the biggest problem when doing business in Slovakia? Erik Heidema answered all of these questions and more.
Read MoreDuring his career, Rene has managed businesses in Rwanda, DRC Congo, and Suriname and has returned to Slovakia for a second time. When first given the choice to go to Slovakia in 2001 for Heineken, he was also offered a position in the Bahamas.
Read MoreSince the Covid-19 hit the world, business have been turned upside down everywhere. The business has been modified in many aspects and adapted according to the new pandemic situation. The necessary adjustment came not only from an external but also an internal perspective of business.
Read MoreAll of us have experienced the negative impact of COVID-19 pandemic on our businesses. During the initial phase of the pandemic, we had to decide how to utilize our people when line loads dropped dramatically.
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