They bet on quality and today they lead the market
By Miloslav Jurík |
Študio-21 plus provides building, project design, and consultancy services for children’s playgrounds, outdoor sports facilities, bicycle racks and smart solutions for cities.
Founders of Študio-21 plus, Vladimír and Jana Jurík, with their sons, Miloslav and Juraj
When Študio-21 plus was founded in 1993, when the environment, smart solutions for public spaces, and cycling in general were at the margin of society’s interest. However, the founders (who are a married couple) believed that by their activity and implemented projects they would gradually succeed in convincing the public, cities, municipalities and developers that these topics are worth looking into. Today, the family business (which now includes their sons, Miloslav and Juraj, who joined their parents at the firm in 2005) are market leaders thanks to the quality and comprehensive character of their solutions. They have also built a good reputation abroad, where they cooperate with renowned partners.
“To us, the quality and safety of our products and solutions matters very much. Our priority is therefore to select partners who are reliable, tested by time, but also innovative and who lead in terms of safety. We aren’t into cheap low-quality solutions that are only designed to deliver revenue”, emphasised Vladimír Jurík, Managing Director of Študio-21 plus. The comprehensive solutions they deliver include everything from consultancy, design, supply, installation and maintenance.
One of the principles of doing business in a responsible way is also reflected in the children’s playgrounds designed and built by Študio-21 plus – there are now over 200 such playgrounds across Slovakia. They have been working on the safety of playgrounds for over 16 years. “We also pay attention to inclusion; all children are important” explained Vladimír Jurík. The company considers playgrounds to be a venue for communication and the socialising of all children, as well as a space for children to play and a facility to complement residential development.
They also emphasise design quality and functional public spaces. Their portfolio includes multi-purpose outdoor sports and workout facilities, innovative solutions for bike racks, bicycle parking and cycling transport in general. It also includes urban street furniture and designs for sustainable public spaces. It is the philosophy of sustainable urban development that inspired the Jurík family to found the Smart Cities Club, a civic association promoting the latest trends for cities and municipalities providing a platform for communication with professionals at home and abroad and cooperation on projects for the adaptation of the urban environment to climate change.