Business Lease has launched a unique office sharing and circular economy concept
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As the first leasing provider in Slovakia, Business Lease Slovakia is introducing not only innovation in mobility but also a pioneering model of operation and responsible business practices.
A leader in innovation and comprehensive solutions for corporate mobility in Slovakia. This is one of the characteristics earned by Business Lease Slovakia. Last year, at the occasion of the 20th anniversary of its operation in Slovakia, Business Lease launched several innovative solutions for corporate mobility offered as a one-stop-shop concept. Whether it’s the ground-breaking approach of car sharing enabling sharing of vehicles among users, mobility budget, which gives employees the decision-making power in selecting their own preferred form of mobility, a short-term lease of vehicles for companies with mobility solutions starting from only a single day, centre for resale of second-hand vehicles with documented history of use, or mobility solutions and services for natural persons.
On the photo left to right: Henk Cor van Der Kwast, Jana Šťastná, Lucia Čišková and Ermanno Boeris
Pioneering office sharing concept
This year, Business Lease has gone even further – it has recently launched a trailblazing model of its own operation – office sharing. On this occasion, the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Netherlands in Slovakia, Mr. Henk Cor van der Kwast accepted the company’s invitation to see how the concept works in practice in the company’s new office in Bratislava’s Twin City Tower. On the terrace with the highest altitude in Bratislava offering a breath-taking view of the city, the ambassador was entertained by Lucia Čišková, MD of Business Lease Slovakia and Ermanno Boeris, MD of Colliers International. The ambassador was genuinely interested in this innovative platform for business operation. The approach is based on common sharing of corporate offices by two or possibly several companies. In this case, Business Lease is sharing office space with Colliers International Slovensko.
“The driver for our decision for office sharing was not only the clear advantage of a more economical management of resources and funds but also efficient usage of the corporate office and taking advantage of shared contacts when acquiring new business opportunities”, explains Lucia Čišková. As she further noted, both companies overlap in their efforts to promote innovation and solutions for sustainable lifestyle while working and living in the city. ”Our decision to share office exactly with Colliers thus naturally arose from the fact that they are also a modern and dynamic company with philosophy and vision similar to ours” adds Lucia Čišková.
Office sharing simultaneously enables Business Lease to offer benefits also to its employees: the shared premises are built on the basis of flexible and shared workplaces. This enables employees to be mobile and work from any location within the office. Whether it is the space with shared workplaces, the brainstorm rooms, kitchen, the corporate ‘living room’, the outdoor terrace, or the home office mode. Another advantage, as claims the Business Lease Managing Director, is not only employee mobility but mainly employee satisfaction and therefore rising performance and creativity. Employees even took their own initiative to create shared hobby and relax zones in the office supporting the team-building spirit right in the workplace: e.g. a shared library, garden, movie, fit clubs etc. “Satisfied and efficient staff indeed contribute to satisfied customers and clients. And they, in turn, ensure excellent company performance” concludes Lucia Čišková in explaining one of the most substantial benefits of office
Circular Economy
However, there was one more pleasant surprise in store for the ambassador. As the first leasing provider in the market, Business Lease has decided to put in practice yet another ground-breaking business approach on its own: circular economy, a concept that is also supported by the Dutch embassy. “Although we have managed well separation of waste in our corporate circular economy and it has now become and established concept, on the 6th March we launched a #twoatthetop day for circular economy with the objective of minimizing waste and giving things a second chance”, says Lucia Čišková. For example, the company accepted the challenge of having not more than 8 cars parked in the garage at any moment, which was made possible by adopting carpooling, that is, sharing of vehicles among several colleagues. Using the same approach, the company established a library, where employees mutually share books which they have already read. Also clothing and toys received their second chance. Circular economy, office sharing and other approaches in responsible business will even represent topics at a discussion event held in the new office spaces of Business Lease with invited guests and members of the Dutch-Slovak Chamber of Commerce on 21st March.
Passion for mobility and values
Indeed, the new strategy of Business Lease is not only built on the passion for mobility but also for values. “Within the scope of our internal corporate planning, we are already working to ensure our employees are identified with our new values – passion, responsibility, innovation, all for smile, and sustainability. We are convinced that they are a key to success and help us to create a truly new Business Lease culture, which is centred around humanness, decency, mutual trust and respect while being strongly performance-focused: we stick together as one and are a strong team of professionals”, declares Lucia Čišková. And the reality confirms her words. The company posted a two-digit growth in the last year (up 13%) and the fleet of managed vehicles exceeded the psychological limit of 5000 units. As evidenced also by client satisfaction surveys, as many as 90% of them are willing to recommend Business Lease to the people they know.