17th Annual Gala Charity Dinner – WWF Bring Back the Life to Bela River


After two unfavorable years of the Covid pandemic, the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce in the Slovak Republic has continued the tradition of organizing the Gala Charity Dinner. The 17th Annual Gala Charity Dinner was held this year on 12 November 2022 at the Grand Hotel River Park in Bratislava.

Members and friends of the Chamber gathered in large amounts at this year's 17th Annual Gala Charity Dinner, where they supported the wonderful environmental project "Bring Back Life to Bela River" by WWF Slovakia. They have been very generous with their participation and financial donations.

During the Gala Charity Dinner, the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce managed to raise funds of €8,000. On top of that, Cargo Wagon has very generously supported our initiative and handed over a check worth of €1.000 to WWF Slovakia. WWF Slovakia will use this financial donation to the project "Bring back the life to Bela River" for comprehensive measures to protect the Bela River, such as the removal of barriers, assistance in protection against illegal activities in the basin, and education.

As Jan - Lamber Voortman, president of the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce stated: "We are really happy to be able to help where it is needed, and every year our chamber can bring concrete and tangible help to people and organizations in need.

As you can see at the pictures, the charity evening was held in a very pleasant atmosphere, which was enriched by wonderful decorationand was carried out in the spirit of nature. Our guests were also able to enjoy excellent food and wine and, last but not least, enjoyed the evening with dancing.

We would like to thank our sponsors, members and friends for an invaluable evening and their more than generous support and donations.

We are looking forward to seeing you next year

Katarína Miklošová